2 Simple Security Changes For A More Secure Apartment Complex

You have many responsibilities on your plate as the owner of an apartment complex. Maintenance issued must be tended to right away, units must be kept cleaned and ready for new tenants, and you have to make sure your apartments are as safe as possible. While it may seem like safety is a lot to take on when you are watching over several people, it is an imperative part of being a landlord. Thankfully, there are a few one-time changes you can make that are not very costly, but will go a long way to make your properties more secure.

Invest in Programmable Key Locks

In any apartment complex, there will always be a steady flow of tenants moving in and out. Some tenants may stay for years, while others will come and go within a few months and you never know when there may be an extra key in the hands of a previous renter. It is not only frustrating, but not economical to replace locks with every new tenant. The best way to ensure that your new tenants are secure in the apartment, without having to constantly change door knobs and locks, is to invest in programmable key locks.

Programmable key locks are designed to allow the property owner to use a master key that comes with the door knob to reset the key-lock coordinates that can be used with the specific lock. This smart key technology uses a microchip that embeds a coordinating code in the door key, allowing for the lock figuration to be changed in just a matter of minutes. Locksmith services often recommend this type of lock for residential rental properties because of the ease in transition without changing entire knob sets.

Invest in Security Lighting

Any law official will tell you that thieves and vandals love to hang out in dark places because this gives an advantage of concealment during misdeeds. One of the simplest changes you can make to your apartment complex to keep tenants safe is to install security lighting on the property. Not only should the parking area be well lit, but breezeways between units and entry and exit points as well. If you are concerned with energy efficiency, opt for motion sensing lights that will only activate when triggered by movement.

When tenants view a property as secure, they will be much more likely to sign a lease or stick around for the long haul. Make sure you are doing your part as a landlord to make your apartment complex as safe as possible.
